Wednesday, April 19, 2017

4/18/17 Current event #5

New car gadgets
I really enjoyed completing current event #5. It was all all about current trending technology. For me, I specifically looked at new car gadgets. I loved learning about new car technology that is for safety and for fun. I am curious to see how buyers respond to these new trends.

Monday, April 17, 2017

4/17 Favorite new apps

Reflection: Overall, I really enjoyed this project. I really like that we got the choice to figure out what app we would like to know more about. Not only did I learn a lot about the app, but I also got to know about a lot more other apps that could really help with organization and school.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

10 Fun Questions Survey

4/12/17 Online Forms/Surveys

No, I have never used Google Drive to create a form. I have no idea what this means at all. I also don't have much experience with survey-generating software. I have taken school surveys and things like that, but have not created my own type of survey. What I do know is that a survey is meant to get feedback from your peers. With this assignment, I will learn how to make my own.

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/17 My weekend

My weekend was packed at the maximum. Friday was my only day to hang with my friends. We threw a surprise party for our friend Haley. Luckily, I didn't blow it by saying something to her on accident. On Saturday I had to wake up at 6:00 am to do my hair and get ready for spacing rehearsal. Since competition is in a few weeks, my whole studio went to Olathe South High School to run every single dance on stage. It was the most tiring thing ever, especially because it lasted all day long. The next day was dress rehearsal at the studio. I had to wake up early again to rehearse every dance. This time we had to put on all of our costumes to make sure everything is ready to go for competing. When I got home after dress rehearsal , I crashed immediately.

3/31/17 Current event #4

Current Event #4