Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/31/17 Words for Teenagers

I think that this newspaper clipping is well said. It really makes you open your eyes and realize what our society is today. John Tapene talked about how teenagers are constantly complaining of there being nothing to do. Most teenagers would just sit around at home on their electronics, but if they got up and got out, they could make some sort of difference. Not only for themselves, but for the world. People these days say we need this and that, but why keep asking when you could get out and actually do?

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 Social bookmarking CE


After reading an article on how technology may hold the future of fashion, it gave me a much better understanding of social bookmarking and why there is such a thing. The article helped me to realize that not just teachers and students at school us this method. Big business of all sorts use social book marking to reach out to buyers and appeal to their desires. In my opinion, social bookmarking is a helpful and beneficial tool for anyone and everyone. Two new social bookmarking sites I learned about are EDITED and Snap Fashion. EDITED is a trend forecasting company that tracks which products sell and when. Snap Fashion takes pride in what people today are truly looking for and connects them with products for them. This is an app I would like to try out.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Reflection on Chrome and Symbaloo

Recently, I was taught what social bookmarking is and why we do it in my emerging technology class. Social bookmarking helped me to realize how organized I really can be while using the computer, and it overall makes everything easier for yourself. We started with social bookmarking on Google Chrome. It is super efficient because you can make folders of many sites and organize it by your personal preference. The next social bookmarking tool we used was a site called symbaloo. Both
Google Chrome and Symbaloo have the same idea of organizing your favorite sites, but I enjoyed using symbaloo more. Symbaloo allows you to design your own webmixes and design each tile as you wish. It's definitely a more creative way to organize your favorite sites. I would say that Google Chrome would be best used for when you only have one or two favorite sites you need for looking back on.

1/24/17 Introduction to Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a tool used to keep your most important or favorite web pages organized. Users save links to web pages that they like or want to share, using a  social bookmarking site to store those links. A few of the social bookmarking tools I use include Pinterest, and Google Chrome. Pinterest is one of my favorite apps because it is an app that allows you to look at what you are interested in and save those things for later use. I use google chrome at school frequently. I would recommend google chrome the most for people. It is a basic way to keep organized by making folders with your favorite sites saved inside of them.

1/20/17 Alphabetical advice

Achieve your goals

Be you

Carefree is key

Devote your time to others

Enjoy every day

Focus on the good parts 

Give to others


Inspire others

Just dance

Kind words

Laugh a lot

Make time for yourself

Never give up on your goals

Own a dog

Play a little

Quit a bad habit

Right from wrong


Travel a lot

Uplifting people

Venture out


X-ray vision

You are loved

Zaniness is fun

Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/17/17 PREZI reflection

While comparing Power Point and Prezi, I would say that Power Point is easier to use because it is more straight forward. Although,  Prezi can create more effective and interesting presentations. It gives you a wide range of tools to make your presentation your own. I think that Power Point would be better used for an assignment where you are given many guidelines, and Prezi for when you have more freedom. For the next presentation I am given I would choose Prezi over Power Point.