Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Reflection on Chrome and Symbaloo

Recently, I was taught what social bookmarking is and why we do it in my emerging technology class. Social bookmarking helped me to realize how organized I really can be while using the computer, and it overall makes everything easier for yourself. We started with social bookmarking on Google Chrome. It is super efficient because you can make folders of many sites and organize it by your personal preference. The next social bookmarking tool we used was a site called symbaloo. Both
Google Chrome and Symbaloo have the same idea of organizing your favorite sites, but I enjoyed using symbaloo more. Symbaloo allows you to design your own webmixes and design each tile as you wish. It's definitely a more creative way to organize your favorite sites. I would say that Google Chrome would be best used for when you only have one or two favorite sites you need for looking back on.

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