Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5/16/17 Overall

I really loved emerging technology this semester. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and wasn't that excited going into the class. Although, after the very first day of class with Mrs. Peres I knew I was going to really enjoy it and I did. One thing that I loved about this class is the alone time. She gave us an assignment, explained it the first day, and let us work alone from then on out and get stuff done in a quick manner. We may have gotten many assignments, but Mrs. Peres gave us just the right amount of time to complete them. I also really liked the organization of keeping every assignment in my blog and getting to design that. One of my favorite assignments was the website. I love that I got to create my very own website on dance because it means so much to me. My homepage background of my team on a hill is my favorite part of my whole website. I really don't have any suggestions on how to make this class better for the future. I truly did like everything about it.

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