Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 Website Reflection

I really enjoyed building my own website about something that I love. I found the creating process so much easier than what I thought it was going to be. Now that I know that there is free sources like Weebly and Wix, there is a possibility I could use one or the other in the future. I wanted to use Weebly to challenge myself because I have already used Wix for a photography assignment. Not only did I like creating a website myself, but I also like that I got the time to look at everybody else's sites.

  After looking at ten people's websites in the class, my two favorites are Niki and Sydney's. Niki's site is all about our planet and getting involved to make a change. I loved her website because she made it very educational yet eye opening at the same time with all of the moving pictures. Sydney made her website all about dance and made it more of a blog. I really enjoyed how she included not only tons of great pictures, but also lots and lots of videos of dances which is super fun.

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