Monday, March 27, 2017

3/21/17 Spring Break

This spring break I went on our annual Cabo San Lucas trip. My family has gone here for the past five years and have stayed at the same exact resort. We absolutely love it. Although, this year had bit of a twist to it. Now that my oldest sister Lauren has a different spring break as Lindsay and I do, Lindsay somehow got to bring her boyfriend Kyle. I really missed Lauren, but still had an amazing time. For the majority of the time I layed out on the beach because my goal was to get very tan. Not only did I lay out; I swam, banana boated, and went on a boat ride. The boat ride was one of my favorite parts because they anchored the boat and we got to snorkel, kayak, and paddle board. Another big highlight of the trip was taking a water taxi down to Lovers Beach. On the way down they gave us a tour around the famous "Scooby Doo" rock, and we visited some sea lions. Then we got dropped off at Lovers Beach for an hour and got to explore that.

kayaking with dad
Making our way down to Lovers Beach

Sista Sista

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