Monday, February 27, 2017

2/23/17 Infographic

An infographic is a creative and visual way to organize information. The main purpose of an infographic is to inform someone in a more understanding way by using all kind of graphics while  eliminating wording. With 90% of information being transmitted to the human brain visually, infographics are much more beneficial than for example, typing out a paper on your topic. Complex information is best put into an infographic. You could be have a very difficult topic to understand, but if you put your information into an infographic then it will turn into something much more easy to understand for not only yourself, but for the reader as well. You can use an infographic to inform, persuade, or compare and contrast. This is why it could be a very useful thing for school. I could see myself making an infographic for a HELA assignment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17 Canva Vs. Lucid Press

In my opinion, while I have gotten the chance to try out Canva and Lucid press, Canva was definitely more user friendly. Canva allows the designer to pick from over twenty web and print design types. In addition to that, they offer more than 1 million stock photographs, fonts, and elements. With the amount of options they give to you, one may see it as being overwhelming. Though, canva has a very organized manner. Two things I didn't like about Canva were how some of the cool features costed money, and how it didn't give the user as much flexibility while designing a template. I think that Lucid Press is more for designers with experience, so that is one reason why I didn't like it as much as Canva. When you first look on the site it is just not as fun looking. It gave set templates, but not as many as Canva did. Although, the set templates they provided allowed the user to change whatever they wanted. It allowed you to think outside of the box with creativity. I also like how it easily allowed you to upload your own images through Dropbox with no complications. I think that Canva creates the nicest most trendiest documents. You could type in whatever idea you had in mind, and and something would pop up relating to it. Unfortunately, both Canva and Lucid Presss had really fun features that costed money. All in all, I really enjoyed using Canva more than Lucid Press. It was more user friendly to me and didn't take me as much time to figure out.

2/16/17 My Dream Business

My dream business would be a clothing boutique in New York City. I have always wanted to go to New York because I love to shop, and New York is known as being the place to shop. My boutique would be called Clothing Palette. I chose that name because the store would have the perfect "clothing palette" for each season to come.  The design and color on my business card and flyers would be the two things set for the store.  I would make sure to appeal to the current trends to attract more and more customers. 

Business Card
Boutique Flyer

Job Application 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2/13/17 more CANVA fun

You could have used this canva to wish all a happy new year.

This canva allows you to design your own twitter header.

You can put your favorite quote on a canva layout of your choice.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 Happy First Sweetheart

My very first sweetheart dance was this weekend! I can't explain how much I had been looking forwards to this weekend.
 My big sister helped me get ready. She was my life-saver considering I don't love to do my makeup and she helped me out a ton. I got my hair loosely curled and was ready to go. First thing, my date came over and we took some pictures. Then, we headed off to A-Loft where we met the rest of the group. We were nervous that it was going to be packed, but it all worked out perfectly. When pictures were over we went and ate in our own private room at Hereford House. I got steak and it was very yummy. Then it was time for the dance. We went to the high school and jammed on the dance floor. This definitely topped homecoming for me.We ended the night at our friend Sammy's house with the theme of risky business.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Part 1
In this class I currently have all of my assignments turned in. I checked synergy and recieved 5s on all of my daily blog posts. On my current event, I recieved a 10/10 and overall so far I feel like I am doing pretty well in this class and look forward to give my best effort in my future assignments. So far in this semester I have learned a lot about how technology has taken over this generation and about new emerging technologies.

My Report Card

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17 emerging tech CE


Reading this article gave me a better idea on how technology is currently evolving. The article I choose was all about the new Amazon Prime Air. Amazon wanted to create something unmanned, that could fly, and that could deliver at a pretty fast pace for the customers. The new technological innovation has not gone out for everyone's use yet, because the company is still tweaking things here and there. Even though this is such an amazing concept that Amazon has created, it is still taking away the jobs of actual people and in addition to that, human interaction. I am now curious on if drones are soon going to be this generation's future.

2/9/17 Kids these days

 I hadn't seen my grand kids in forever and today I finally got to see them. They came by surprise and I couldn't have been any any happier to see their faces. With the kids growing up, they don't visit me as much as they used to, but where have the good times gone? I took them to a breakfast place for dinner because that used to be our tradition when they were young. As we are sitting at the table waiting to order, every single person had their head down because they were on their phone. I was too scared to say anything to them though. I looked around to see the pretty much every other kid was on their electronics too. My heart sunk. I am getting older and older and all I want is quality time with my grand kids. A time of putting the phones down for at least one hour to actually enjoy time with loved ones. This generation is crazy. Technology is taking over these kids and there is nothing I can do about it.

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6/17 collaborating remotely reflection

To be honest, going into this I was really worried about the whole communication through e-mail thing. In addition to that, my partner and I aren't close friends which made it even more tough. We picked the topic of March madness. I will sit down and watch a basketball game, but I am not the best with sports which made it hard to work with someone who knows a lot about the event. I feel bad because usually I can contribute a lot but I feel like since he already knew a lot about the topic he did a lot of the work. I could never imagine conducting business in this way on a daily basis. With this project it taught me how communication is difficult, yet it is key. Also, in the real world you won't get to chose who you work with. Even though this project was stressful for me, It was fun in how I've never been assigned a project like this one before.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/17 Pictures

The big day of the tiny tigerette performance for the halftime show. I loved meeting Amelia!

Winter break calls for clay projects at Aunt Andies with Lauren, Lindsay and Lindsay's boyfriend!

Bailey and I's first dance team competition of the year in Liberty Missouri.

Took gramps to his favorite ice cream place, Baskin Robins, for his birthday.

1/30/17 Ted Talk Reflection

Yes, I agree with the Ted Talk.  I think that our current technology is an amazing thing, but we have to know our limits. If you live every single day just sitting at home one your phone texting, then what are you really doing with your life? I believe that if you if you truly wanted to have a heart-felt conversation with something then you would pick up the phone and call the person, or at lest have a face to face conversation with them. Everyone is a different person behind a screen. The things someone would say behind their phone may be something they would never say to someone's face. Today, we expect more from technology and less from each other. That is why people struggle to keep a real face to face conversation. I am hoping that in the future, people can come before technology.

Ted Talk Questions