Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17 Canva Vs. Lucid Press

In my opinion, while I have gotten the chance to try out Canva and Lucid press, Canva was definitely more user friendly. Canva allows the designer to pick from over twenty web and print design types. In addition to that, they offer more than 1 million stock photographs, fonts, and elements. With the amount of options they give to you, one may see it as being overwhelming. Though, canva has a very organized manner. Two things I didn't like about Canva were how some of the cool features costed money, and how it didn't give the user as much flexibility while designing a template. I think that Lucid Press is more for designers with experience, so that is one reason why I didn't like it as much as Canva. When you first look on the site it is just not as fun looking. It gave set templates, but not as many as Canva did. Although, the set templates they provided allowed the user to change whatever they wanted. It allowed you to think outside of the box with creativity. I also like how it easily allowed you to upload your own images through Dropbox with no complications. I think that Canva creates the nicest most trendiest documents. You could type in whatever idea you had in mind, and and something would pop up relating to it. Unfortunately, both Canva and Lucid Presss had really fun features that costed money. All in all, I really enjoyed using Canva more than Lucid Press. It was more user friendly to me and didn't take me as much time to figure out.

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